Be ready to discern My presence.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"Wake up! Smell the roses! Hear the birds! Be aware of My presence surrounding you! Keep Alert! Be ready to discern My presence."
"I may ask you to respond at a moment's notice. I want to use you. I need to use you. You are My servant. Be ready. All you need in that moment I determine has been supplied for that moment. Just obey. Leave the outcome to Me".
"I see the whole picture-puzzle and how it needs to come together, perfectly, to accomplish My plan. You don't need to plan. Just leave the plans to Me. Trust and obey. Walk in peace and joy along the journey of the race I have called you to. Believe. Trust. Know that I am in control. I love you." (04/21/2017)