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Stephanie Hanouw

Do You Trust Your Lord?

"Are you standing strong or quaking in fear?"

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Where? Where are you? Where do you stand amidst the chaos and turbulence of these days? Are you clothed in My righteousness? Are you dressed in My armor? Are you standing strong or quaking in fear? Amidst the uncertainty of the day, I am still Lord of all! I am in complete control of all things - those that seem 'God-like' and those that don't."

"I will have My way. Put your trust in Me. I am your very present help in times of trouble. Buck up. Stand strong. Your Lord and King rules and reigns in power and majesty. Can you not see Me moving? Look beyond the circumstances surrounding you. Open spiritual eyes to see the loving ways your Lord is reaching out to mankind."

"Men have pushed Me aside and grown weary of Me. I am Savior and Lord, yet even My own neglects to call upon Me, to turn to Me in time of trouble. They strike out on their own forgetting about Me. They pridefully take it upon themselves to create their own solutions. They move forward without Me only to realize a disappointing outcome. It is then that they turn to Me in much greater desperation than before." (03/20/2020)

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