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Stephanie Hanouw

Invite Them!

Receive those seeking for more of God.

"Know My heart. Rest in Me. Know that I long to do good to you. Make Me the focus of all you do. Keep in step with Me. I go to the highways and byways. I call men to Myself and bring forth a life changed by My love and forgiveness."

"You are My servant. Called to serve. Accept the opportunities I set before you. I have a plan. Yours is to obediently carry out the part appointed to you. Know that I long to use you to draw others closer to Me. Do your part to make that way available to them. Open your door and invite them in. Even if they do not come, they have been invited. Remember, men have also shunned My invitation to receive My son and thereby, shunned eternal life as well."

"Make the effort. Receive those seeking for more of Me. Do your part. I am with you. Seek Me for each opportunity to bless and I will lead you. My blessing rests upon you. Open the door." (01/19/2020)

I am excited to say this message was in direct response to a question I had asked of the Lord a few minutes earlier. Long enough earlier to forget that I had even asked. He gave a direct answer. I am ashamed to say that I wasn't really expecting a direct answer. All that to say, "Be encouraged!" and expect His reply.

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