Reach out and receive.

"The lights of heaven declare the glory of God. The One True Light shows the exact representation of God. That Light has come into the world. He brings joy, peace, patience, and the knowledge of the One True God. We can know Him!"
"He has made Himself available to all mankind. His love, His care, His provision is waiting for those who see their need of a Savior. Reach out and take His offering. There is no satisfaction in any other source. He [Jesus] is the pure love of God poured out over mankind."
"Come and drink from His cup. Come and dine from His table. He has spared no expense. He has paid the highest, dearest price. Accept His offering - His sacrifice for you. He is the Light of the World. He is the Love of the World and He is making Himself available to those who hunger and thirst for deep satisfaction. He has made it known." (02/27/2018)