"Expect them. They will come because I am sending them."
"In the night, the vision comes. In the night, the song comes. Listen for it. It carries the thoughts of the Father's heart - thoughts of forgiveness, thoughts of reconciliation."
"Listen! You will hear it. Expect it. Prepare for it."
"It comes softly and sweetly. Listen. You will hear it. Let it wash over you like a warm anointing. Remember it. Share it. Keep it tucked in your heart."
"Songs of the night bring the Father's heart to the listener. The message is clear. Make it known. It is a heavenly song birthed in the Father's heart. Come, make melody in your heart as the Father writes the music and the words. Come and listen. Come and be blessed. Come and let the song wash away the heavy weights and troubles that consume you."
"The song cleanes, heals, restores, empowers, and guides. Trust the song! Trust it's creator! I love you and I send songs in the night to My loved ones. Listen for them. They are for you. Let them minister to your need. I send them with love. Listen. Expect them. They will come because I am sending them." (04/07/2018)
Isn't it amazing that God loves His children so much that He plans special little blessings for us? When you get a song in the night, please share it here in the comments. We will rejoice with you!