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Stephanie Hanouw

Walk Close - Listen Well

You must walk close to Him to hear well since many times His voice is only a whisper!

"The bold, the brave, and the mighty! All of them must rely on Me for direction, motivation, and inspiration. They must trust Me to the uttermost in order to impact their world according to My plan. My plan is perfectly timed and perfectly orchestrated as I bring forth My purposes."

"You say you want to be used by Me. Draw close. Lean in to hear My whispers. I don't always speak loud and thunderously. At times My voice is only a whisper. You must stay close to hear - both ways. Draw near and remain in My presence. Walk in step with Me. Dwell upon My word. There is power in My word. It is alive and effective. It pierces to the heart of a matter. It supports change in you and in others."

"Know My word and trust Me. Follow My lead. Keep your ear attuned to My voice. Walk in My ways - the ways of truth, love, and peace. All are powerful to impact those around you. Allow these to have full reign in your interaction with others. Go forward joyfully into the lives of others sharing My love, truth, and peace."

"People are desperate for that which only I can give. Take that treasure to them. Point them to Me. I, alone, have the answers they need. Always, point them to Me and I will do the work that needs to be done in each life, a wondrous, marvelous, supernatural work that only I, almighty God, can do. Make My will your will and watch wonders unfold!" (02/05/2019)

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