"The earth groans and yearns for relief from the weight of sin that grows heavier by the day. The darkness of that sin is a very heavy weight upon the people and the earth. Soon the Son of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings. His light will dispel the darkness. The weight of sin will be lifted from the people."
"Light will once again fill the earth - the new earth with the new heaven. The peace of Christ will prevail and reign over the people and the earth. Give ear! Can you hear the Son of Man, the Son of God calling out to those He loves? Can you hear Him shouting the victory? Do you see the signs of His soon return?"
"He comes. He comes. Be ready. Draw close. Make His paths straight. Welcome the return of the King of Kings to His throne - the throne of your heart. Make way for His return. Welcome your Lord and Savior to His place of glory. Open the way for His return. He comes soon." (02/06/2019)