Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I've shared my heart. What's on Your heart?
"My children. Their hearts are heavy. They long for the return of their heavenly Father, and indeed, My return is soon; but, the yearning of their hearts is strong. They feel the nearness of My return, but much kingdom work remains to be accomplished. Many souls need to hear, to experience, the love of God - My love. It is the job of My ambassadors to take My love to the highways and byways to inform those who don't know of My offer of forgiveness, love, and eternal life. They need to know."
"You are My hands and feet. Follow the leading of My Holy Spirit. Step out in faith knowing that not only am I leading you, but I am also right beside you empowering your efforts. Can you believe that truth? If you do, you will have an eternal impact on those lives you are prompted to touch.
Move on these two keys. Much remains to be accomplished in a multitude of lives before My soon return. You are My partner in the missions of My kingdom. Follow Me. I have spoken." (9/14/2022)