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  • Stephanie Hanouw


"Lay aside the distractions."

"Many are the ways My people try to fill the God-void in their lives. They profess Me with their lips, but they are far from Me in their heart.

Why do they hesitate to draw near?

Why do they find excuses to avoid coming in close?

My love beckons, but they do not respond. I call each of My children to draw near with a true heart, a heart that seeks true relationship with a loving heavenly Father. They do not heed My call."

"Come, I say. Lay aside those things that distract. Turn away from the promptings that turn you away from spending quality, important time with Me. Say, 'No', to those things which so easily steer you into more busyness. I urge you to draw close NOW!"

"I have told you before, darkness readily approaches when no man can work.

Come now.

Pull in close now."

"The time will come when you see the importance of your obedience in this. You are My beloved. I am jealous for you. My plans include you. You are created for true fellowship with Me. It will make all the difference. You will see. Come. My love beckons you. Lay aside those things that redirect your vision away from Me. Come, I bid you, come. I am a good father who delights in His children. I love you. Come. Come now." (12/04/2022)

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