Are you trusting your Heavenly Father?

"What level of trust do you have in Me, your loving, generous, Heavenly Father?"
"Deep, crushing disappointment cannot overwhelm you when you are trusting Me, your Lord, to the uttermost. Have I not proven Myself faithful to you when you remember the many ways I have brought you through past challenges and storms? Did I not arrive at your side to help you overcome the wind and waves?"
"My love for you remains the same. I am here for you. I am ready, willing, and able to bring you through again, and yet, again. Keep a simple trust in Me."
"I have plans that are intricate and multifaceted. You cannot comprehend them. Your best solution is to resolve to trust Me and not to fear. Watch and wait, and you will see My plans fulfilled. I love you, Child. I am for you. I am your loving Heavenly Father waiting for every chance to bless you. Could you see deeper and further, you would even see the reason to rejoice. Simply trust when you cannot see." (01/08/2025)
To give a bit of context, I was extremely disappointed with a situation where I was not considered as an option for the need. I was hurt prompting the enemy to pour into the wound his twisted, lying ideas causing a downward spiral. When I finally brought the issue to the Lord, He responded kindly and firmly. The bottom line concerned my trust in His goodness and control of my life and times. The more I pondered His words the more peace I experienced. I even reached the point of rejoicing and resting in His love and wisdom. Shortly afterward, He drove His point home as I read a message in the devotional God Calling for Januray 8th. It had the same basic message! Trust Him more! Friend, God does hear. He does respond. He lovingly gives wisdom and solutions when we make the effort to involve Him in our disappointing issues. He is a good Father! Consider leaving a comment if His message has impacted your attitude about your disappointments. Are you trusting Him to the point of peacefulness?