Shine His love and light within your sphere of influence.

"Make the way clear. Take out the old ways of pride and self replacing them with love, joy, and peace. Walk humbly before Me. Be tuned in to My voice and touch. Heed both. Then you will certainly know the right way in all that you do."
"Trust and obey. Love for Me makes the new, possible to do. Even when the steps are hard and uncomfortable, walk in obedience. You can not see the whole picture. I do. Simply trust Me and the success I appoint will come to pass."
"My love knows no bounds. I love the sinner as well as the saved. Make no judgements. Just obey. Spread My love. Spread My goodness. Shine My light in the darkness that surrounds your sphere of influence. Soon, each light will begin to touch other lights and darkness will be dispelled in that area. Good will begin to prevail. Hearts, minds, and lives will be changed. Pockets of goodness will lighten areas where My light is reflected through the lives of My followers. People see Me clearly in the lightened places. Seek to shine My light wherever you go. I make myself famous in the light." (12/05/2018)