"Allow it to work its blessing in your life and times."

"Out of the heat of the moment, My people make knee-jerk decisions. They react instead of responding with the wisdom of My word. They open themselves up to the lies the enemy suggests."
"Stop. No more reacting."
"Let the peace of Christ be your firm foundation - your anchor. Walk in My peace. It is a powerful ally. It is the glue that holds your life together. It tethers you to Me. My peace passes all understanding. Allow it to work its blessing in your life and times. Hang onto My peace at all times and at all costs. Awake to the marvels of its impact."
"Take My peace with you wherever you go. It will serve you well. It keeps My favor resting upon you. Don't neglect so great an accessory. Keep it with you always. It is evidence of My presence in you. As My peace dwells with you, so too, will you make My joy complete. Keep that peace. Keep Me." (02/28/2019)