God's love can weather any storm you might face.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"Hope in the Lord your God! Turn your eyes upon Me and see the wonderful love of your Heavenly Father. My love is eternal and strong. It can weather any storm. Do not worry whether My love will continue during your failures. Nothing can separate you from My love...not death, not life, not angels, not principalities, not powers, not things today or things to come (Romans 8:38), no height, not depth, nor any other creature (Romans 8:39)."
"Hold My hand and walk beside Me. I delight in your presence. Take My hand when you feel challenged beyond measure. I love you. My leading is sure. You can trust with all your heart. I am faithful and able. I will never leave you nor forsake you. My love is sure. Rest in that truth. Come to Me and receive rest for your soul. No more worrying. No more fretting. I love you and I am on your side."
"Come near to Me. Hear My words of love and encouragement. Take heart. I will not ask of you anything for which you are unprepared. I have already equipped you for all that I have planned for you. Trust Me. Do not fear. Fear is the enemy's tool. Keep you eyes on Me. Take steps of confidence in your Lord."
"I am by your side and also encouraging you. Can you not see the wonders awaiting you? I, your Lord, have prepared marvelous wonders for you to behold. Rejoice! Step forward! Keep in step with Me. Keep the faith in Me for I am faithful. Taste and see the goodness of your Lord. Trust Me with all of you. Amen!" (01/12/2020)