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He Desires Our Fellowship

Stephanie Hanouw

A moment of inspiration.

The glory of the Lord shines upon and around His children. He takes them by the hand and leads them along the paths of righteousness. He restores. He redeems. He makes old things new. He brings out the best in those who walk in His ways. His ways are right. His ways are wise. He keeps tryst with His beloved ones.

Come. Come unto the Lord. Hear Him. His words are life and health. He is the creator, the great God above all Gods. He is worthy of all our praise and our worship. Don't consider your worthiness (to give praise), consider His worthiness (to receive praise). He is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His love flows forth from His great storehouse of treasures.

Come before the Lord, your Maker. Come before Him with praise, honor, and blessing. Exalt your God. Tell Him your desire. He is able to bring His will to pass in your life. Keep attuned to His love and voice. Listen for it. Expect it - expect to hear it. His sheep hear His voice. It is a truth that He utters. Grab hold of that truth for yourself. It isn't for just a select few. It isn't for just a time or two. It is for anyone who will listen and for any time of the day. There is no need to beg and hope and pray. Just listen. Listen for the voice of your loving Lord and move in step with Him He loves His people with an everlasting love! (02/20/2019)

A call from the Lord at midnight. When He wants to share something, it is always the right time.

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