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  • Stephanie Hanouw

His Love Awaits You

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Meet Me in the morning. Bring your cares and concerns. My love waits, ready for your fellowship. Things look brighter in the light of day. The light of my love will shine a new perspective on those things that trouble you."

"I, too, anticipate your coming with great joy. I want to communicate with you. I want to give you insight and a look ahead. I want to teach and prepare you for that which lies ahead. I want to bless you with good things out of the treasure of My kingdom. My love for you is great and waits to bless. Come!" (12/14/2017)

I have found this invitation to be all that He has promised. I encourage you to take advantage of it and check out for your self the joy and love that awaits you. His word is true and He upholds it marvelously! You will see.

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