After praying the Lord's prayer, I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to continue.

Heavenly Father, the bells ring out announcing the coming of your glorious day. Your creation rejoices with anticipation . The trees clap their hands. The meadows sing. The birds dance in flight celebrating Your glorious coming. Make haste, oh, Lord! Prepare Your bride to receive her King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Make haste. Don't delay. The earth groans and struggles under the weight of sin advancing within her belly.
Come Lord. Restore You reign! Bring peace. Bring love. Bring joy to your creation once again. Restore, Lord. Make haste to rescue, restore, and redeem. Come quickly, Lord. Your bride Looks forward to Your arrival. Don't tarry. Make Haste. You have healing in Your wings and a ruling rod in your hand. Come and take Your rightful place of authority. You alone are worthy to receive honor and glory and power. Come, Lord Jesus, and redeem Your people. Take us to that promised land prepared for us from the beginning of time. Keep us as the apple of Your eye and hide us under the shadow of Your wings. We wait for You, O Lord. Come and redeem Your loved ones. Amen. (05/20/2019)