Your efforts to follow the Lord are not in vain.
"Continue to pursue the righteous way. It is not in vain. The eyes of the Lord see your deeds and your motives. Do the right thing for the right reasons. Do not go off on your own - in your own strength. Walk in the way of the Lord. Follow His lead. Keep connected. Keep in step with Him. His way is perfect. He will lead you in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
"Don't listen to another voice. My sheep hear My voice. Follow closely. I am with you always - even to the ends of this age. I will never leave nor forsake you. Rely on Me alone. I am your stay."
"I love you, Child. Keep your eyes on Me. I am your way, your truth, your life. You are Mine and I love you. Blessed are those who desire My presence above all else. Seek to know Me more. Trust and don't be afraid. I am all you need. Stay in step with Me. I am the Lord, your God." (08/10/2022)