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  • Stephanie Hanouw

Make Your Time Count

The Lord will not tarry much longer.

What encouragement do you have for your people today, Lord?

" Keep on keeping on. Your Lord shall not tarry much longer. The time is near that I should return and redeem My righteous ones to their reward - a reward far beyond their ability to imagine. You have heard that I am coming soon and that My reward is with Me. Believe. It is true. Those longing for peace will recceive peace. Those longing for love will receive love - the love of a Heavenly Father. Those longing for justice will be satisfied that all will be made right."

"The miracle of My coming will astound many. Many who do not know Me will wonder at the events occuring at that moment. I will collect My righteous ones together like a father calls his children to a meal. Who will come because you shared the good news of My love and forgiveness?"

"The time is now to take every opportunity I place in your path to share the love and forgiveness that I offer anyone and everyone who will accept it. The time is short. My arrival is near. I am a loving Heavenly Father who desires that none be left behind. Ask Me for opportunities to make a difference. Ask daily. Many cross your path that need to know. Have no fear of man. Opportunities I present to you will not be random. I have been working in hearts and circumstances unseen by those who will simply follow My lead."

"Again, I say to you, 'Trust and obey'. My ways and thoughts are beyond your ability to understand. I go before you to prepare the way. I walk beside you to support and encourage. What a powerful partnership awaits those who will believe and step out in faith. Oh, the wonders that await My people who trust and obey - here and beyond. Walk humbly before your God, and keep your focus on Me. I have spoken." (07/09/2024)

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