"Come to Me with a believing heart."

"Oh, My child, listen to the loving words of encouragement from your heavenly Father. 'Peace be still' are still My words to the storms that rage - those outside of you and those inside. Still, I offer My hand of help to those frustrated, weary ones who trod on through the obstacles and times of doubt and unbelief. My words are still true. They still calm the sea, they still heal, they still rescue. You must believe."
"Trust. Rely on My truth to be the anchor that holds. Come to Me with a believing heart. I hear the cries of My children. I come to rescue and help. There is nothing too hard for Me. Do you believe that? Do you believe that I really do work all things together for your good? My words are truth. Believe. As you believe and focus on My words, the storm will subside and peace will prevail. I love you, My child." (10/21/2020)
As I'm experiencing an internal storm, I am extremely distraught. In the midst of the most disturbing part, I choose to call upon the Lord. I recognize His voice and begin to write. In the short time that it took to write the above encouraging words that He offered, peace overtook that storm and my whole outlook changed! What a loving, amazing God. He still moves!