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Stephanie Hanouw

Suited Perfectly for Partnership with Jesus

"My purposes accomplish their goals."

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

The sun rises on a new day. The children of God awake to the glory of His presence.

"Wake up, Child, arise and shine for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Go out into the highways and byways. Take My presence to the people. Watch them respond with joy and delight!"

If your presence doesn't go with us, Lord, don't send us out. We go with nothing to give the sad, lonely, weak, needy people. We have nothing to give without your presence. Go with us, Lord.

"I will be with you. Know it in your heart. Believe and receive. Walk in assurance that I am with you - always. Tap into that truth; tap into its power. You do not go out naked. You go clothed in My righteousness, My mercy, My love."

"Do not take this assignment lightly. You are My hands and feet. You partner with Me in the things I want to accomplish on the earth. Listen and obey. I will not mislead you. My purposes will be accomplished. You asked to be used. Trust Me. Great or small the task, it still serves its purpose. My word will not return to Me void. My purposes accomplish their goals."

"Love, joy, and peace are yours and are necessary for you to accomplish and carry out My purposes. These will powerfully impact the people, the people I send and have arranged to cross your path. Don't think it coincidence or happenstance! I strategically align every circumstance which involves you. There is a purpose. You may not see the completed puzzle, but know that I masterfully fit the pieces together."

"I have a plan and you have a part to play if you have desired to be used by Me. Take up your sword, your shield of faith, and your cross. Follow Me. I am leading My children to be instruments used in a powerful, end-time harvest. Are you in? Are you ALL in?"

"My ways may be unique and unfamiliar to you, but are you willing to believe and to trust Me, the creator of the universe, of mankind? You can not serve Me well without a heart willing to trust Me to the uttermost. Great adventures await those who will trust Me and obey. Put self aside and walk hand in hand with Me. I have spoken. You must choose."

Lord, I choose to follow, trust, and obey. I choose to walk hand in hand with You. (02/20/2019)

If we, as God's children, move close enough to walk hand in hand with Him, then we can know that we abide under his shadow. We are covered by His feathers and sheltered by His wings! What an awesome place to abide moment by moment, day by day!

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