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We Need You, Lord!

An inspired prayer. Don't wait, Lord; come soon!

Lord, make your face shine upon those who love you. Show yourself strong and mighty on our behalf. We. Need. You. You are our everything - our strength, our shield, our redeemer, and our Savior. Come, Lord Jesus, and help us today. We need you.

Holy, righteous, and just are your ways. Make haste, Lord, come quickly. Come as a knight in shining armor. Swoop us up into your loving arms and give us the victory. Make the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Lead us, guide us, as you live inside us. We need you, Lord. We need you. Make haste to deliver us. We long for Your rescue.

So many people need You for so many reasons. Nothing is impossible for you. You are able. You are willing. Give us the grace to receive from Your hand that which we desire. Be glorified, Lord, as Your people rejoice in Your salvation. Be glorified!

We long for Your return. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Do not tarry. Holy Lord, You are truly holy. Your ways are righteous and wonderful. We wait for you, Lord, and long for You like the thirsty man in the desert longs for water. Come and quench our thirsty souls. Come, pour out Your grace and your mercy over us. Wash us with Your blood. Keep us in Your love. In Jesus' name, we stand before You expectantly. Make haste, Lord, make haste.

The light of Your love shines all around us. We only need to open our eyes and see it. Many are the ways of Your helps on our behalf. Open our blind eyes; Lord, in mercy, open the blind eyes of Your people. Fill us to overflowing with the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Overflow it to the point we aren't able to hold back Your goodness, power, and love.

Holy Spirit, move in our midst and keep us in Your will. Empower Your children, Lord. Give us Your grace. Perfect love, Your perfect love, casts out fear! (03/11/2020)

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