Press in. Come often.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"You are My child, My precious child and My servant. I am on your side and I'm preparing you to serve Me well. I have plans for you. I have YOU for plans upcoming. I told you of My desire to use you. Know I have spoken to you. Know that My plans will not be thwarted. Only you can keep them
at arm's length."
"Draw near being always sure of My response of delight in your coming. Don't ever hesitate to come. The enemy would love to fill you with fear. Resist him. He is a liar. Take heart. Be brave. Come into My presence with thanksgiving. Enter with joy and praise."
"You are a treasure to Me. I. Love. You. Seek My face and find joy for your soul. I am always available. Draw near. Draw ever nearer. Oh how I joy in your desire to come into My presence. Come. Come often. Press in. Know My heart more clearly each time. Make time with Me a priority."
"I have much to show you, much to teach you. Come. I wait expectantly with arms wide open. Come to receive My love, My joy, My strength, My instructions. Come to pull away from the chaos of this world. Come into My sanctuary of peace and be restored in My love. You are My precious child and I am always with you. Rejoice!" (01/06/2020)