What is holding you back?

"In the quiet of the moment, seek the Lord while He may be found. High and lifted up, He is easy to be seen. He is easy to be found. Search. Search for the presence of your Lord. He waits with open arms welcoming all who will to come. His love beacons to those near and far. Come. Come into the presence of your Lord."
"Rejoice because of the blessings awaiting you in My presence. All you need you will find in My presence: answers, forgiveness, fresh starts, love, acceptance, ALL you need. Don't hesitate. Seek and you shall find Me ready, willing, and able to make the difference you long for."
"What holds you back? If you lack faith, ask for more. If you lack motivation, ask for more. If you are afraid, ask for My protection. If you are unsure and need direction, call upon My mercy and guidance. I will help you!"
"I love you. I am on your side. I am your biggest encourager. Come to Me in your darkest hour, in the middle of overwhelming chaos, or in a season of loneliness and discouragement. I am here. I hear your call upon My love. Seek My face. I am FOR you. I am your loving, Heavenly Father. Come." (03/06/2024)