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  • Stephanie Hanouw

A Mindset of Expectation

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Let this be the day that rings in the new and carries out the old. Mighty things are in store, laying in wait for those who walk hand in hand with Me. Mighty things, remarkable things, things beyond your wildest imaginations."

"Lay aside the past. EXPECT. EXPECT. Expect your mighty God to move, then stand aside and watch while marvels manifest before you. You will find it hard to believe, but do not doubt. With your mighty God all things are possible!"

"Do not doubt. Expect. Take on a new mindset of expectation. Do not plan the way. Do not plan the outcome. My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts. I am able."

"In with the new, out with the old. Be ready. I will show you your part. We are a team and you must play your part. Listen and obey, then see what your mighty, loving God will do on behalf of His children and His kingdom."

"I am ready. Are you? Keep an expectant mindset. I am able!" (Christmas Day - 2017)

When He says it, my friend, know that He keeps His word, even if you have a while to wait...hopefully not as long as Abraham. Follow His admonition to "expect". It will happen if He said so!

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