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Stephanie Hanouw

Always With You

"I am with you to light your path."

"Open up the gates for the King of Glory to enter in. Open up your heart for the King of Glory desires to enter. Rejoice for He longs to take up residence bringing His glory with Him. 'Rejoice', I say, 'your Lord has come to abide with you. Rejoice for it is a marvelous happening.'"

"Yield to the prompting of your Holy Spirit. He sees. He hears. He walks beside you. Rejoice! You are well taken care of. The Lord your God loves you. He longs to make your paths straight and purposeful. Raise your head, Child, and praise your almighty God!"

"I am for you not against you. I long for fellowship with you. Take My hand and receive My help throughout your day. Be keenly aware of My touchs as you walk the path of your day. KNOW that I am with you. I do not leave you to sort out your way unaided. I am with you to light your path and help you. When you are not sure, ask Me to show you. I am willing. Seek Me, Child, with your whole heart. You will find Me close at hand." (07/26/2024)

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