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Amazing, Just Amazing!

Stephanie Hanouw

"Lord, please forgive me for waiting so long to come to commune with You. What do You have to say to me today?"

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Oh, My child, it is My delight to spend time with you. I miss you over long delays, but always welcome the times you come. I have much to tell you. I have love, grace, and peace to impart to you."

"You ask many questions and don't expect Me to answer, but I do and you don't hear. When you ask, wait to hear My reply. I do respond. I want you to know and understand. I, alone, know the answers to your questions. I supply them at the exact time they are needed - not too soon, not too late. I, alone, know. Make Me your first "go to". I'm here. I look forward to you coming. I welcome you with open arms. Plan to come daily to meet with Me. Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous are the wonders I have to share with you."

"Lord, what wonders do You want to share with me today?" (I wasn't going to ask but only wait to hear. Then, as I thought about it, that didn't seem to show much interest, so I asked.)

In my mind's eye, I see a red rose. "Lord, what wonders about a red rose do You want to share with Me?"

"As the rose opens up and unfolds, it give off beauty and its lovely fragrance. It attracts admirers and bees while giving of itself. It attracts by giving and while giving. It is the same for you, My child. Others are attracted as you release the beauty of My holiness from within yourself. As they draw near to that beauty, they feel My love flowing out, drawing them in. You see, My child, all My creation always comes back to Me as its center. I am in all and through all."

"I delight to share this time with you." (10/18/2017)

As I have stated before, may things I don't understand. But, I do know, that our great God wants to commune with His children - regardless of our state of affairs. Don't listen to the enemy who says you are not welcome in God's presence because of this thing or that. In His presence is fullness of joy and who doesn't need more joy! Just come.

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