"I am mindful of every single heart's cry."

"Look to the creator of the universe, of the world and all its fulness. I embody life from birth to eternity. Eternity to eternity. I am Lord of all, from the smallest cell, to the massive mountains, to the universe, and all beyond. Can you fathom the enormity of that truth? Can you fathom the enormity of your God? Yet, I am mindful of every single heart's cry. I see. I hear. I care."
"Your great God humbled Himself into the lowliness of man. He came like one of My children to show the way to the eternal life available to any and all who would make that choice. Love came and died on a cross for all mankind. Yet, He rose again in victory over death and made life and eternity free for the asking. Can you grasp the enormity of My love for you? Generous, sacrificial, overflowing love. You have only to call upon that love and I respond."
"My child, call upon the love of your heavenly Father. No problem or concern is too big or too small to include Me in your circumstances. I AM ready, willing, and able to meet you therein and to walk with you to the resolution. Call upon your great God who longs to show Himself as Savior, friend, and Lord once again."
"I am here for you. Call upon My love in your time of need or in your times of celebration. I am your heavenly Father who opens the doors and makes the way. I love you. Call upon Me. Call upon My love. I have spoken." (05/12/2023)