"Glorious will be His appearing!"
"The light of the world is come in all His splendor. He carries in His hand that great marvel called life, eternal life. Wake up, sleeping ones, do not be caught sleeping; do not be caught off guard. Your mighty Lord comes soon to rule and reign, to take His rightful place over all peoples, nations, and kingdoms."
"Do not fear. Do not fret. He comes for His own. He is right on time. He bears in His hands the oil of gladness for those who look for His return. Be wise. Draw close to your mighty Lord who comes to do exploits, to establish His kingdom on the earth once again."
"Look up! Expect the arrival of your Lord. Rejoice! He is right on time. His love moves Him to action. When the fullness of time has come, He will not wait nor will He be hindered. Glorious will be His appearing. Take heart. The Lord has heard your prayers. He has heard the prayers of His people."
"Prepare to receive the eternal gifts He brings - peace, joy, righteousness. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Be ready to reign victorious with your Lord. It is I who has spoken. Awake out of sleep and be ready to receive your Lord as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It will be a glorious time of rejoicing. Take heart. Stay alert and close to Me. Amen."
This was a tough word to receive - sometimes only a couple words at a time. I was wondering if there was more.
"It is with great delight that I share this word, this information with you. My heart rejoices with anticipation of My soon return. It is not a time for fear. It is a time to share the Good News of My coming - to share the Good News that mankind has the opportunity to receive forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with almighty God, as well as eternal life and light."
"Too many will miss the coming of their Lord because of unbelief and fear. To you I say, 'Believe. Do not fear. Rejoice. Draw close.' I'm a loving, righteous, and just Heavenly Father. Soon you will see. Turn from the allure of the world's ways and focus on Me, your Lord and soon coming king. I have spoken." (12/22/2021)