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  • Stephanie Hanouw


"Be quick to attend to My promptings."

"Wake up! Wake up to the dawning of a new day - a new way."

"My return is so near - nearer than ever before. Those who are close to Me sense it. There is a yearning in the hearts of My intimate family members for the return of their Lord. Look up! Your redemption draws closer and closer every day."

"I am orchestrating the lives of My children so they are free to do My bidding. I have plans for you. As My arrival draws nearer, your enemy will work harder to throw you off course. Keep close to Me. Keep you gaze focused on Me - your King and Lord. Listen for My voice. Be quick to respond to My promptings. You play an integral part in these end times."

"Think of your thumb. It's such a small part of your body, but life would be MUCH harder without it. Do not fret about the size of your part. You are valuable and needed. You do not know the outcome of the ripple effect of your obedience. Just trust Me and give 100% to the assignments I give you. You were handcrafted for your specific part as is everyone crafted exactly as needed to fulfill the assignments they are given."

"Trust your Lord. I love you. Stay near to Me. Keep a watchful eye as wonders unfold before you. Those who overcome shall receive the reward of a tried and true son or daughter. Wonders await you. I have spoken." (12/21/2023)

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