"My purposes will come to pass."

"In the fullness of time, the purposes of your Lord shall prevail. They will not linger nor be hindered. They will be fulfilled right on time in your life and in the lives of others - including your loved one's lives."
"I hear the prayers offered. I respond according to My plan and My time. All things are set in place. My purposes shall come to pass. Pray to align your will with Mine. You will find the waiting time to be easier to navigate. Align your heart's desires with My will. Make Me the hub of your life - the place from which all your thoughts, actions, hopes, and dreams originate."
"Stay focused on Me in all you undertake. Stay connected to Me. [From Isaiah 43] I am the Lord your Holy One, your Redeemer, and your King. Call upon My name; don't grow weary of Me. I'm going to do a new thing. I'm going to make it happen. Do not be afraid. Rejoice! Bow down and worship Me when you see this new thing." 12/16/2021