He calls each one, personally, out from the sea of humanity.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"The night owls hoot, calling upon the Lord for provision and supply. He provides for their need. He takes care of their young. They rely upon His faithfulness to keep then supplied with those things needed for life."
"So it is with His children. He supplies. He knows the need before it is expressed. He lovingly tends to His children making their crooked paths straight. See that the Lord is good. He is God; a good God full of loving kindness and mercy."
"Turn to Him, you sinners. He is a good God worthy of all acceptation. He calls. He waits. He longs for fellowship with those He created. Don't turn away and run. His love beckons to you. Come just as you are. He longs to clothe you in robes of righteousness - to remove the sin stained garments. Respond to His invitation! He calls you by name, ready to forgive you and set you free. Don't neglect so great a salvation. Call upon His name and join His royal family. Taste and see that the Lord is good."
"He doesn't withhold any good thing from His children. He supplies love, forgiveness, peace, joy, faith, goodness, mercy, and strength. Reach out and take His hand. Don't you hear Him lovingly calling your name? Rejoice! He knows you by name and calls you, personally, out from the sea of humanity."
"He is calling you into His purpose - calling you into a life of adventure and sacrifice. He offers complete fulfillment and satisfaction that can be found no other place, no other way, than through a love relationship with Him. Understand that the cross was instituted for you. Jesus hung there in pain and agony for you. Oh, don't neglect so great a salvation. He calls. He waits. (01/14/2019)
The beauty of the Lord's love is so wonderfully manifested within this message! He loves the lost sheep, the sinner. He desires each one's presence in His family. He has awesome things in store for those who respond to His loving call. Do you need to respond to His call? Have you asked for and received His forgiveness of your sins? Trust Him. His love is not like this world provides. He welcomes you with open arms and a joy-filled smile. Ask Him today for His forgiveness and all the supply He gives to His own.