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Stephanie Hanouw

God's Remarkable Invitation

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"Many, many, many are the ways your Lord shows His love to His children. Many, many, many are the times My children never connect that goodness to the loving intention of their Heavenly Father. What a joy they miss not to realize my acts of love pouring forth upon them during their day!"

"Wake up, My children! Recognize the move of your Lord and King. I am love. Love pours forth from My great heart in abundant measure. Draw near, My child. Come into My presence giving thanks for such a treasured invitation. I am calling you - inviting you - into the Holy of Holies where I dwell. It is a place of joy, wonder, marvels, love and peace. Don't hesitate to accept and act on the invitation I give."

"Realize the importance and honor attached to that invitation. Accept. Come. Enter into the joy of your Lord. I wait eagerly for you to accept My invitation. Don't put off coming into My presence. You can't even imagine all the goodness that awaits those who will make the choice, take the time, and come, with abandon, to My table of delights. I love you - immeasurably! (02/05/2021)

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