Good morning, Lord, this is the day that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
(Psalm 118:24)

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"Yes, rejoice! I love to see My children rejoice. There is so much you have to rejoice for: your life in Me, My boundless love, the many ways I keep you and supply your need, and the ways I touch your life bringing you closer to Me."
"Rejoice over My forgiveness and keeping power. You do well to rejoice. It brings joy to the heart of your Lord. Rejoice evermore; and again I say rejoice! For I, your Lord, rejoice over you. I sing songs over you. I delight in your nearness. As you rejoice in Me, know that I rejoice in you!" (02/17/2017)