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Stephanie Hanouw

Is Your Heart Retreating?

"My children don't come at My call!"

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"Further and further the people move from Me. Further and further their hearts retreat. They don't understand the danger. They don't understand the consequences of living life distant from Me. I call to them. I call them to draw near and receive of My supply for their every need, but they turn a deaf ear to My voice."

"They don't come at My call. They are like disobedient children who disregard the voice of a loving parent. Those children venture onward into harm's way. Had they listened and obeyed, destruction and heartache could have been avoided for both the parent and the child."

"Realize My love for you. Come at My call. Draw near. Drink in the life, strength, joy, and peace I offer you. It is available to whosoever shall come to receive. It is for you. Come and drink of the water of life freely. It is for you, a gift from Your loving Heavenly Father."

"Come and receive all that I have waiting for you. Come. I love you. Don't hesitate. Don't doubt. Time is short. Heed My warning. I am a good father who loves His children. Come." (05/15/2020)

The inspired response to the message from God's heart:

What shall we say then? If God be for us, who can be [successfully] against us? It is God who gives us the victory - the Lord who comes to our rescue. Praise Him! Give Him glory! Rejoice in His holy name. Make haste to come before Him with thanksgiving.

Be glad in the salvation of the Lord of Hosts. He comes with healing in His wings and a scepter in His hand to rule and reign over all His creation. Come - bow before Him. Give Him honor, glory, and praise. He is the Lord, strong and mighty who is riding upon a white horse winning the victory. Give Him praise and thanksgiving for He has won the battle. Hallelujah! (05/15/2020)

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