We are God's ambassadors and must move at His directive.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"Upon hearing the word of the Lord, make haste to act upon it. There is power therein. Acting upon that word, at that time, brings great impact upon the situation. Do not delay! My timing is perfect as is My plan."
"Do you not marvel at the draw of fishes? Do you not stand amazed at the miracle of the man of the tombs? Doesn't your heart thrill when you see and consider the way My love changes hearts in just a moment of time? Rejoice at the power of My word and the timing of obedience."
"I am the same today as yesterday. My miracle-working power still impacts lives to My glory. You are My ambassador, My servant, My arm extended, and My hand reaching out. You stand in My stead. You make My heart sing. You are mine and I love you." (07/08/2020)