Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27
"My. My. My. The hands of time are flying around the clock through the hours . My people, are they listening? Are they seeing? Do they recognize the lateness of the hour? Do they care? Still much waits to be done in My kingdom. My people have parts to play in these end times."
"Obedience. I need obedient people to hear and follow My commands. The plans are not yours, they are Mine. They have eternal purpose and value. All things executed in My name, in My plan will not return to Me void. My purposes will be accomplished. Trust Me to lead you! Obey! Abandon yourself to My direction and leading. I know what I am doing. Trust Me. Yield to the nudges and promptings I give you. You will discern better and better as you spend time with Me - your Lord, your Commander, your Keeper, your Provider, your All in All."
"Move with Me like a team of oxen, yoked together, move in unison and accomplish the goal at hand -more easily and quickly by pulling as one. I long to use you. I delight in using you. Step up. Realize the lateness of the hour and follow My lead. I love you. I have spoken plainly in your midst. Trust Me with My plans." (02/08/2018)
Although the first three words of this message caused me to pause, I did recognize the voice to be His. I could have left them off here so as not to raise your concerns, but that would be tampering with His message, so they remain. The rest of the message leaves no doubt to the serious intent of His words.