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Stephanie Hanouw

Learning To Hear

My sheep learn to hear My voice.

“My sheep hear My voice. Often, they don’t know that it is My voice and dismiss the direction or guidance I supply. Each of you must learn to recognize My voice. Remember that learning is a process. Know that each individual learns differently. Some slower. Some faster. Some by trial and error. Some by being in the continual presence of the Teacher.”

“It is My will that My sheep can identify My voice. The closer you follow the better you hear. My words are often in a still, small voice. Ask Me for ears to hear and a heart to understand. Trust and faith must work side by side. I will never make it hard for you to hear My voice. Unbelief will steal your ability to hear as will listening to the lies of the devil. Beware of the unfamiliar voice. Know Me and you will know the imposter when he attempts to call you from the righteous way.”

“The Holy Spirit is your help. He will alert you to the tricks of the enemy. Again, unbelief will steal away your warning, your guidance. As an earthly father protects and stands ready to intervene, so does your Heavenly Father. I am for you, not against you. I will help you learn to listen well and to hear My voice. It is your destiny. I have declared it so. Learn to listen. Learn to discern. Learn to trust. I have spoken.” (12/28/2024)

To be transparent and authentic, I have been apprehensive to post this message. It seemed potentially

"too far out there". So, I thought I would wait til His peace stepped in. The message during Sunday's gathering helped me see the importance of posting it. Please allow the Lord to give you the needed direction to walk in obedience and victory concerning His will as you lean in learning to listen.

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