Believe it and embrace it.

"As the sun rises and the moon sets, so My love for you is perpetual - it follows an ongoing pattern that you can rely on. It will never change. On and on it goes - for eternity!"
"I am your Abba, Father. My love for My children is endless. Nothing can ever separate you from My love. Nothing in life, nothing in death, nothing man-inspired or contrived. Once you are Mine and I am yours, our covenant is forever. There resides a bond that cannot be broken or separated. Rest in this truth. Let the security of My love flood you with the peace I give that surpasses ALL understanding."
"Keep your eyes on Me. I will lead you in the way everlasting. We shall arrive at your destiny together, hand in hand. Trust your almighty Lord to lead you well. I know the way you should go. I know the means by which you should arrive. I have orchestrated every path, every lovely thing along that path, and every obstacle which only serves to make you more like Me."
"Trust Me with your life and times. I am a good father, a good creator, and I love My creation. Draw close. Keep in step with Me. Trust Me as I lead you from My heart of love, as we journey to your destiny. It is a delightful journey for both of us. Whether the sun is shining or clouds are blocking its light, the journey continues. The joy continues. Perfect submission to My plan brings great joy to us both."
"Ah, trust your Lord as a blind man would trust his guide. Test My abilities. You will see I am able and willing to lead you to that place of perfect peace. I love you, Child. I love you. (05/23/2021)