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The JOY of the Lord!

Stephanie Hanouw

Do not damper the joy the Lord provides.

Take the damper off of your expressions of joy! Life is exciting, especially a life lived with the knowledge of our great, almighty, Giver of Life. His joy is our strength. Don't damper your joy! Let it flow. Let it burst out in a smile, a laugh, a lilt in your step, a chipper tone of voice. Make the most of your walk with, your journey with Jesus. The joy of the Lord is our strength.

Be strong [joyful] in the Lord and in the power of His might. Express Him! Show Him off in ways people don't expect. Don't damper the JOY! If that is hard for you, try it one day at a time, or one hour, or one moment at a time, but live in the joy He died to provide. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. He wants that same joy to shine forth in our lives. (07/29/2019)

Have you been stuffing and damper-ing the joy the Lord gave you to the point it is nearly non-existent or invisible? He wants you to experience the joy He foresaw on His way to sacrifice for our sin debt. (Hebrews 12:2) What great love expressed through great pain with great joy.

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