"I reach into their day to bless them, but few realize it."
"Many times I show My love to My children, but they don't appoint that goodness as coming from Me. They say, 'Coincidence', or 'Lucky', or 'Where did that come from?'. They don't even consider that their loving, heavenly Father moved specifically to do good to them. They don't realize I am a personal God - that I hear their words and their hearts' cries."
"I reach into their day and bless them, but few realize My loving hand and heart moving on their behalf. Had they known, they would have received with gladness and moved in closer to Me. They would have rejoiced, but they don't realize My love is active and alive. They don't realize I take a personal interest in them. I see. I hear. I create opportunities that bless My children. I know each one by name and the number of hairs on their head. Love longs to bless."
"Make Me known among the people. Tell them I love them and long to show them My loving kindness. Keep My plan in view as you go along your day. I will send those to you who need to know that I am a good father waiting to bless with a person touch." (06/26/2020)
Forgive us, Lord, for being oblivious to the goodness that you personally bring into our lives. You are loving and kind toward us and we give credit to most any other source but You. That grieves your tender heart. Thank you for revealing the disappointment you feel from your children. Give us grace to do better at remembering the real source of our daily blessings. Amen.