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  • Stephanie Hanouw

Wearisome, Vain Lives

"They reap wasted days and nights filled with futile efforts."

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27'


What's wearisome, Lord?

"Wearisome are the ways of My people who don't know Me. They toil and struggle through life with no connection to Me, their Life-giver. They reap wasted days and nights filled with futile efforts. They don't understand the ways in which I long to help them and bless them with My presence."

"Their joy is not full. They experience sorrow after sorrow with no support underneath to give them hope and strength and help. They go through life longing for what, they don't know, yet all the while I stand near, ready to reach out and rescue them from the vanity that fills their lives. You must spread the word that I am near, that I am eager to come into their lives, to make the difference they are searching for so unawares."

"You are My ambassador. Go. I have sent My laborers out into the fields, highways and byways. Go. Share what I give you. Trust Me. I want to use you, but you must trust Me. Lack of trust in Me will thwart any efforts you put forth. Doubting steals the power of faith. Trust Me. Obey Me. See lives changed because of your trust and obedience as I send you out. I have spoken." (09/22/2018)

Do you know someone who feels weary and drained by trying to live life in their own efforts? The Lord is welcoming them into His presence and He wants to make their life worthwhile. Why don't you tell them how to take a break, give Him the reins to their life's efforts, and let Him make the rest of their days and nights count for eternity? He is very close by and is waiting for their call.

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