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Stephanie Hanouw

You Are Loved!

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice..." John 10:27

"I love you, My child. It will never end. It is strong. My love will NEVER let go - no matter the weight of the pull on it. It will last - a lifetime and beyond."

"You can never exasperate My love. It is patient. It is kind. It is enduring. Fireproof! It is powerful and can accomplish any necessary adjustment placed under its care. 'What do you want to place

there?' 'What do you need to place there?'"

"Do not load yourself down with unnecessary burdens and weights. I am your Love. You are My Love. Open your heart all the way to all the love I have for you. Trust Me. I work only for your good and the good of My kingdom. My treasures are at your disposal."

"My love beckons. Respond to its call. Love awaits you. Love awaits all who will draw near to sit in My presence. Come. Don't fear. Fear does not belong in My kingdom. Righteousness, peace, joy, power, love, and a sound mind are aspects of My kingdom. Grab hold of these. They will serve you well. Never doubt My love! It is strong. It is true. It is eternal. I. Love. You. (12/06/2017)

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