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  • Stephanie Hanouw

Updated: Apr 7

"I have everything under control."

Lord, do You have a word for us as we head into 2024? I know You do. Give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to clearly understand.

"Wait upon Me, trusting to the uttermost. My grace is sufficient. Look to My word. It is a treasure trove of help and support to you. Only when you can rest in your circumstances will you see the power of your Lord at work on your behalf."

"I have everything under control. Rest in that truth. I am always right on time. I orchestrate lives and paths and conversations eons in advance. Your finite mind can't fully understand this truth - just trust Me. I waste nothing. No delay, no disobedience, no error - nothing is wasted in My kingdom. Everything is orchestrated in such a way that My purposes are accomplished."

"Remember, I am doing a new thing. It may seem foreign to you, but My ways and thoughts are much higher than your ability to understand or make sense of them. Again, I remind you to simply trust. Trust until rest results. I go before you into your future. I've already been there. I know your victories, your challenges, and those times you will consider to be losses. I was there. I am there."

"Oh, how I would rejoice if you would simply rest in and trust Me to make My purposes complete in your life. You need only trust and obey. I am on the throne. I am omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. You can change nothing by fretting and worrying. Trust Me! Lean into Me. Stay close. Nothing shall harm you while you dwell under the shadow of your almighty God. It is My joy to see you accomplish those things for which I created you. Move ahead unafraid. I have spoken! I love you, Child." (01-01-2024)

Amen! What an encouraging proclamation as we head into 2024. I'm so thankful for a God who knows and is able - no matter what! If you are considering a Word to live by for 2024, it might just be TRUST.

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  • Stephanie Hanouw

"Life is a journey ... filled with highs and lows..."

Speak to me, Lord; I have a sad heart.

"Those who keep their eyes fixed on Me will see the way. When it isn't clear, follow Me. You will always be on the right path if you are following Me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Don't turn to the right or the left. Stay right with Me. Keep in step with Me. I am your safe place - a place of peace, rest, and calm. In My presence is fullness of joy, and in My joy is your strength."

"This life is a journey. It is filled with highs. and lows, sorrows and joys, victories and losses, battles and times of peace. As long as you are walking with Me, under the shelter of My presence, regardless of your circumstances, you will experience success."

"I am with you. I love you. I am a good Heavenly Father who calls you the "apple of My eye". Never doubt My love for you. You are a treasure to Me. I am blessed by your faithfulness to believe, trust, and follow My lead. Let not your heart be troubled. Joy in Me, take My hand, and follow Me. You will see the wonders of it unfolding before your eyes. I have spoken." (01-13-2024)

Sometimes, (often in scripture) it seems that the Lord doesn't answer the specific question asked, but nonetheless, takes us on the higher road to a place of greater insight. A sad heart keeps us from seeing more clearly the best way. This messsage seems like one of those times. Those of us with sad hearts must look up and embrace the truths of God's great love and goodness. His way is always best.

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  • Stephanie Hanouw

"Orchestrated perfectly."

"At the right time. At the right time I will even move heaven and earth to accomplish My purposes. Nothing can hinder My purposes from coming to pass when the set time has come - when the time is right."

"My children fret and worry needlessly about too many things. I have asked that you trust Me. I have commanded My children to trust and not fear. Fear leads to fret and worry. I have called you to joy! Fretting and worry steal your joy. Trace to the root of your fear and worry; then, give that issue into My willing, capable hands. Only I can handle the issues in such a way that assures My purposes are served."

"Don't carry that which I, alone, must carry. You were not made for that burden. Leave it to Me. Let it go! Give it to Me. I am able and willing. Make it a point to lighten your load. Travel to your destiny lighthearted and joyful. It will make a lasting impression upon the lives you intersect. I have spoken. Trust Me. (12/27/2023)

Do you have more to say, Lord?

"Open your heart. My love can not flow out of a closed heart."

How do I open my heart, Lord? I thought it was open.

"Give it all to Me. Open every room to My presence. As MY light and love full up every part, you will find it impossible to contain their presence. A powerful flow will begin to take place - so powerful it will be life-altering! Not just for you but for those who are touched by the flow of My love and light pouring out of you."

Lord, it seems too wonderful to be true. I feel no confidence in being able to bring this about.

"It is not your job to bring it about. It is the work of My Holy Spirit. You are simply to cooperate with the move of My Holy Spirit. You are able [to cooperate]. It is a choice. Ask Me to take your hand when you feel a struggle. I will make you aware of My Comforter's presence to sustain and encourage you. Call on Me in your day of trouble and I will help you. The time approaches when the struggles of My children will be over. Use the remaining time wisely. Rejoice. Follow the lead of My Holy Spirit. Trust. Do not fret and worry. I am with you always - even to the end of the age."

Thank you, Lord.

"I love you, Child." (12/27/2023)

Just so you know, I took the time to touch base with the Lord before going to bed. It had been a long, full day, but I wanted to let Him know that I was thankful for His presence with me. He is always faithful to be waiting for our arrival with open arms and something special for us. Isn't it that giving of something special (a hug, a smile, a gift, a good word) that brings our children back into our presence? The above message was the "something special" He had for me.

If you wonder about the above dialogue, it boggles my mind, too. I assure you it is a total leap of faith. Jesus' said, "My sheep hear My voice..." (John 10:27) He intended for us to have communion/conversation with Him. It is naturally supernatural (to repeat an often used phrase by Sid Roth). I suppose the key is to know the difference between "self" and "Holy Spirit". That part, too, is a leap of faith. One must believe and trust at a level that may be altogether new and scary. As one leans into the promptings, taking steps of faith , it becomes easier to discern the difference. Please, take away from this message the blessing meant for you.

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