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  • Stephanie Hanouw

Arise and Shine!

You are an integral part of God's plan!

"I long to light the fires of revival within the hearts of My people. Where only embers remain, I long to blow the breath of God over those embers igniting them into flaming glory for the benefit of My kingdom. Arise, Church, My glory has risen upon you. I will be glorified in all the earth. Take My hand and partner with Me in bringing souls into the heavenly realm."

"You are an integral part of my plan. You go forth as My ambassador into your sphere of influence. Follow My lead. I plan and orchestrate the way. You need only follow and obey. I have gone before and have prepared the way. Trust Me to lead you well. Take My hand when the way offers challenges you find overwhelming. I am with you - don't fret! You do not labor alone for My kingdom. I am always with you. Don't fret. Don't fear. Trust Me with all of your joy-filled heart. I have spoken." (03/17/2021)

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