Drink freely and fully.

As I am worshiping at the piano, I recognize the Lord's quiet, subtle voice entering. I stop and start to write.
"Take a drink from the water of the Lord's well. Drink fully. Drink freely. Be filled with the water of life that is freely supplied by your Lord's loving hand. His offering is filled with His love, His life, His endless goodness. Drink freely and fully. Be filled with your Lord's love and goodness. Let His presence empower you to go forward into the new and uncharted territories to which I call you."
"I am there [in the new and uncharted] and I am with you [here and now]. You partner with your God who is not limited in any way. I am the God of possibility! Never doubt the ability of your God who
is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Your loving Heavenly Father is in complete control, and My plans and purposes will come to pass right on time according to My plan. Never doubt My reign. I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I do not fail. My word does not return to Me void of having accomplished its purpose."
"Your God is a loving Heavenly Father. You can trust Me to the uttermost. I am YOUR loving Heavenly Father. My thoughts and plans for you are good - always. Draw near. Sit in My presence and drink in strength, peace, and love. They give you life. Then, go into your sphere and share what you have received with those around you. I love you. I have spoken." (08/24/2024)