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Stephanie Hanouw

Light in the Darkness

God's plan: His lights shining in the darkness all around the world.

"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn't comprehend it. It shines on those in the darkness unnoticed, unacknowledged! The Son of God, the Light of the World shines in their midst and they don't see that Light. They don't see Jesus and the brightness of His glory. They remain in the darkness which covers their ungodly deeds."

"One can not walk in darkness and gain heaven's goodness. It is not possible. Tell those who are walking in darkness to notice the Light. Draw their attention to the Light. Help them to see and comprehend the presence of the light of Jesus among them. Do your part to shine His light. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you."

"Let that Light shine out from you. That is God's plan: lights shining in the darkness all around the world. When enough lights are shining [Jesus' glory] in the darkness, in their areas, the darkness will be pushed out - extinguished. Let your light shine. Let your Jesus shine for all to see. You are His ambassador representing His glorious truth and love and light!" (04/24/2018)

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