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  • Stephanie Hanouw

"Do not lean on your own abilities."

" Up in the air, above all the hustle and bustle of humanity, resides the peace and control of your Heavenly Father. Chaos reigns below where mankind strives against the ways of your almighty God. Vain efforts. They don't know the uselessness of their fleshly struggles. I call them to come higher, but they don't hear; they don't respond. How I long to make the difference and bring heavenly solutions, but they will have none of it, none of Me. The time remaining is short. Many will understand too late. Doors of opportunity will have closed and many will realize their fate is sealed."

"Stand up, oh people, tell of God's love and mercy! Make the difference. Declare God's truth. Declare the Gospel's good news: a Savior is available and today is the day of salvation! Speak to those with blind eyes, those with [spiritually] deaf ears. As My child, My ambassador, you carry truth and light. They are powerful solutions to the chaos running rampant in your sphere."

"Do not lean on your own abilities to carry out this assignment. I provide the wisdom, strength, and direction needed for My purposes to be accomplished. I go before you. I go with you. Do not fear. Do not hold back. My glory and presence go with you. Join Me in gathering My lost sheep into the fold. I will lead you to them. Remain faithful." (08/22/2023)

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  • Stephanie Hanouw

"Trust the leading of My Holy Spirit."

"The bells ring out the glorious possibilities in a new day. Helping, serving, bringing glory to your Heavenly Father. Rejoice! Your glorious Heavenly Father goes before you to prepare the way."

"Marvelous opportunities lie ahead. Trust the leading of My Holy Spirit. Trust Me to keep you on the path where He leads. We are a team working together to advance My kingdom's reach. Marvels await. Trust and obey! Watch your Heavenly Father work wonders around you. You are My hands and feet as I move through you. The power is Mine that moves through you."

"Embrace the spirit of adventure. I'm doing a new thing. You haven't seen this before. Do not fear. Trust Me as we work together. Simply trust. Obey and leave the results and outcomes to Me. I will use you as you trust and obey."

"Do not shrink back. The enemy will take advantage of your fear and disarm you - rend you powerless. Too many of My children have heeded the attempts of the enemy to disarm them of My purposes and power. They stepped away from the impact I asked them to make."

"To you I say, 'Be strong and courageous. Trust and obey'. The time for impacting your sphere is now. See the signs of My soon return. Work with Me. Trust Me. As you trust and obey, many lives will benefit. Keep your faith in Me. Keep your eyes on Me. I have spoken. (08/04/2023)

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  • Stephanie Hanouw

"My love sees."

"You are serving Me in the little things you do that speak to Me of your obedience - it's the little things as well as the big things. My love sees your heart, your motivation, your desire to please your loving Heavenly Father. Quiet obedience makes a way for the Lord's approval."

"I see. I hear. I know the struggle that often thwarts your best efforts and intentions. I understand your humanness. I walked in those shoes. I know and understand your challenges. That's why I came, in order that you would know I understand and know how to help you. Come to Me for comfort and understanding. Pour out the pain into my capable hands. Let My nearness bring you comfort and solutions."

"I walk by your side. Take My hand and follow My lead. I am your Way-maker, your Strong Tower, your Secure Place. I am your source and satisfaction. Come unto Me all you who are burdened and overwhelmed and find a safe place to rest - in Me. I love you and welcome you always with open arms. I have spoken." (07/27/2023)

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