Make His deeds known among the people.

"Holy is your Lord Almighty. He is Lord of all. He rules over all and moves in the hearts of mankind. Righteous and wonderful are His ways. He is Lord of all."
"Call upon the name of almighty God and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Turn to Him for all you desire. Make Him the first and the last of all you do. Center your life around Him. Keep in touch with Him through prayer. He hears. He knows. He responds. He is not limited by man's limitations. All things are possible with Him. There is nothing He can not do. There is not anything too hard for your omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient holy Lord."
"Call upon Him. Make known His deeds among the people. Make Him famous in the eyes of those around you. You are My ambassadors. You represent ALL that I stand for, ALL that I am capable of doing for a sick and dying world. You are My are arm extended and My hand reaching out to save".
"Reach out to My lost and dying world. The time is short. There are many who need to know the love of a Savior. Share My love and forgiveness with them. Be intentional. I am with you to guide and supply you with the words and actions necessary for each encounter. You are powerful as you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. Yield yourself to the move of the Holy Spirit. You will see marvelous wonders occur before your very eyes."
"You are My voice. You are My hands. You are My feet. You are My love. You carry My peace. You are the instrument through which My Holy Spirit flows. Be mindful of My presence with you - guiding you, helping you, covering you. These things I have spoken to you that My kingdom would reflect My presence and goodness. Go forward unafraid for I am with you. I love you, My child." (01/28/2020)